
31 Jul

For some reason my garden seems to have a few too many flies for my liking and I read that they really don’t like lavender.
I just bought one from our local florist and within seconds the flies were gone and it was covered in bees!
I’m not sure!!

I hope this does work,
however I am notorious at killing lavender, I’ve bought two in the last 6 months that didn’t last longer than a few weeks but I’m working on it……

(This one will be re potted in a much bigger pot tomorrow)




One Response to “lavender”

  1. njgardengal 11 August 2014 at 5:50 pm #

    I had the same difficulties with lavender. I got lucky this last time.
    when I bought this house in the 90s, I bought a pot of lavender on impulse,and heeled-it-in in a small patch of earth the builder left unpaved by the front door. Life intervened and by the time I went to to put it in its proper spot, it had rooted, and I decided to leave it there.
    Today that plant is covers a square yard. Its first bloom each year covers every sprig. The second bloom is about a third to a half, and then sporadically for the rest of the growing season.

    The secret? Poor soil and benign neglect. Think of how the vineyards in the south of France produce delicious wines from soil that would not support most other crops.
    Specifics: New Jersey, in an area where most of the soil is clay. The lavender gets full western exposure, and gets less rain as it is partially covered by the porch roof.

    I had not yet added compost amend that small area, so it was as the builder left it -only fit to grow sparse, weedy wild grass.
    The cuttings I planted 2 years ago in my mom’s Brooklyn, NY garden in comparable spots are also thriving and blooming.
    Hope your lavender is doing well.

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